What is the legal status of the Me-One Foundation?
We are a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dependent entirely on donations from people like you. Your tax-deductible donation is life changing for cancer patients and their families. (Tax ID Number: 20-5853443). All donations are deductible to the extent allowed by law. All our work is carried out, 100%, by volunteers.
I want to donate to Me-One Foundation. Where do my funds go?
We are run entirely by volunteers keeping our overhead at a minimum. Your donation (thank you in advance!) goes to:
Running camp sessions
Operating expenses
Insurance and legal expenses
Marketing, advertising and fundraising
What is the meaning of your motto “Keeping Life’s Scoreboard at Cancer-Zero, Me-One”?
During his lifetime, namesake Tom Wieser was a sports fan extraordinaire, not only as a spectator and avid follower of sports, but as a dedicated baseball coach. Tom’s motto refers to life’s scoreboard – with the patient leading, and cancer getting clobbered.