Rest and Refuge, Hugs and Laughter


Camp Wieser 2025

We are thrilled to announce the dates for Camp Wieser 2025. Mark your calendar for September 12-14, 2025 when once again, 35 families with an adult battling cancer will be pampered and delighted by 140 caring camp volunteers. Starting in mid-June, we will post camper applications and volunteer applications on this website. Please make sure you subscribe to our e-newsletter to receive all the latest updates and notifications. Don’t forget to follow the Me-One Foundation on Facebook and Instagram to stay connected with our community and hear all our exciting news. Thank you to everyone who made Camp Wieser 2024 so special!

What Is Camp Wieser?

Camp Wieser offers families with an adult battling cancer an opportunity to rediscover joy, celebrate life, and create lasting memories. It provides a safe haven, free from demands and expectations, where adult cancer patients and their families can momentarily disconnect from the seriousness of the illness and engage in fun activities. This annual weekend retreat, held in the Santa Cruz mountains of Northern California, allows participants to join as many or as few activities as they wish, all led by our compassionate Me-One volunteers. Best of all, thanks to the generosity of our donors and sponsors, it’s completely free for the cancer warriors and their loved ones. All you have to do is get there!

Camp Activities for the Whole Family

Participating cancer patients find these rejuvenating services and activities delightful:
  • Pampering spa treatments by certified aestheticians
  • Massages
  • Pedicures
  • Manicures
  • Facials
  • Hair Styling
  • Myofascial Technique
In addition to all of that relaxation and pampering, Camp has adventures for all ages and abilities:
  • Games
  • Sports
  • Square Dancing
  • Hiking
  • Climbing Wall
  • Archery
  • Yoga
  • Zip Line
  • Swimming
  • Pirate’s Playground

So They’ll Never Forget

Families create lasting memories at Camp Wieser. These special moments at the retreat are captured by professional photographers, both in video and still photos. Families cherish having these keepsakes of their time together. View the latest Photo Gallery here. When you look through the photos and videos, notice that you see smiles and joy and laughter and tears of gratitude. That’s the magic that happens at Camp Wieser. Many of your questions about Camp Wieser are answered on our FAQs page. Here’s our message for you: If you can get away for Camp, you should make the effort to get away. We want to hear from you.

Stories of Gratitude 2023

In Their Own Words (Camp Wieser Participants and Partners)

Realized We Are Not Alone

“I have no words to describe how amazing this experience was to me and my family. Before going to camp, I felt like an outsider where I did not fit in. My self-esteem was so low that I was afraid my kids would get bullied at school if their friends saw me with no hair. Since this camp, my children and I have realized that we are not alone and I have learned to love myself for how I look. The meals were a great time to bond with my children. I can’t remember the last time we sat down to eat and had a normal conversation that did not have to do with my treatments. I am so blessed to have been part of this experience. Thank you, Camp Wieser.”

You Let Us Have Fun

“[Camp Wieser] provided a positive experience that recognized an individual’s battle with cancer while letting people get away and just enjoy life. Camp Wieser provided an accepting environment while letting individuals relax, socialize, and have fun. The latter is a big deal when people are facing a serious illness.”

Side By Side With Such Great Talent

(From a Social Worker/Volunteer) “I wanted to let you know how much this weekend has meant to me and will continue to mean to me in the future. It was very much an honor to be side by side with such great talent and compassionate people as well as be a witness to all the families that were able to join us! I’m so glad I got to meet your whole team and now I’m equipped with such great first-hand experience that I get to share with prospective campers and their families! Thank you for this opportunity and ability to experience for myself, the great well-oiled group you have and mission statement you’re a part of. No doubt, one that you find great pride in year after year! Much gratitude to you and your fellow collaborators!”

Brought Our Family Together

“Camp Wieser brought our family together and helped us heal from a long and relentless cancer journey. Thoughtfully designed and supported by loving, kind volunteers who created a special experience that will be with us for a lifetime. Our eldest daughter described it as the best weekend of her life with the kindest people she has ever known.”

Individuals Who Truly Care

“Camp Wieser has helped my family and I understand we are not alone in this fight. We now understand that there are individuals who truly care and want to help those in need. Camp Wieser was very friendly and welcoming. I loved how much love I felt from the moment we arrived. How much more special I felt. Camp Wieser reminded me that just because I am fighting for my life doesn’t mean I can’t have a great time. It helped me to feel that I am not alone in this. There are people out there with big hearts who actually care! And who take their time to make it possible for people like me to enjoy a weekend away from pain.”

The Foundation is Top Notch!

“Camp Wieser provided an excellent opportunity to enjoy quality time with my family while not being burdened by cancer issues for a few days. It was great to share with and support other families. The foundation is top notch.”

Camp Was a Magical Experience

“Camp was a magical experience. It was nice to be with others that are also in the fight, to hear their journeys. It was nice to get away from the treatments, doctor appointments and make some special memories with family.”

Camp Wieser 2022

Helped Us Get Through Some Rough Times

“We had to cancel some planned trips and that was almost harder than the chemo. Then I was invited to Camp Wieser. Looking forward to some time way from the medical issues helped us all to get through some rough times. The reality of Camp Wieser far exceeded the expectations. We were pampered, taken care of and had so many great activities to do, I cannot thank all the volunteers enough. We came back ready to continue the recovery.” process. THANK YOU!

Amazing For My Whole Family

“Camp Wieser was amazing for my whole family. My spouse said it was the first time in six years that she has felt in control of her own body.”

Wonderful Gift To My Care Team

“Cancer doesn’t just change the life of the individual with cancer, it affects their family and their village. Camp was a wonderful gift to my care team who has worked tirelessly to help me through my journey. After months of watching them work their butts off to care for me and my family, watching them have fun & be pampered brought me so much joy. Additionally, camp really did have something for everyone from things to keep my 1 & 3 year olds entertained to their grandma.”

Still Riding The High!

“All of my family was able to come and support my son at Camp Wieser. We all had an amazing family time and it wasn’t centered around the cancer, it was just all being together, laughing and enjoying ourselves. My son was smiling the whole weekend and didn’t think about cancer, we are still riding the high! Besides the new friendships we have created from Camp Wieser, we now have a new family, our Camp Wieser Family! We can’t wait to be back next year as volunteers!”

Camp Gave Me a New Mantra

“I have been tackling this cancer journey since Jan. Lately I’ve been feeling very low, like I can’t do this anymore. My Camp Wieser weekend with my gal village along, has rejuvenated me. My new mantra now is, ” ‘I have to do this, I will do this, I can do this!’ ”

Unforgettable Experience

“During the camping weekend, I feel very comfortable walking around with bald head, no eyebrows, nor lashes. There are so many fun activities to do and well pampered that I truly felt I won the cancer. I’m blessed with the caring supportive host and I love her like a sister. For an unforgettable weekend experience, I’m grateful to all the warm kind hearted volunteers and generous financial donors. They are truly Earth Angels.”

First Outing Post Surgery – Still on a High

“My sister is in the cancer battle. This was her first overnight outing post major, life altering surgery and many complications. She’s been on a high all week as I have. Thank you all for the time, effort, planning & love that went into this past weekend.”

This Was Truly a Blessing

“Camp Weiser brought our family closer together. It gave us opportunities to talk about our cancer experience in ways we hadn’t yet, but it also allowed us the opportunity to experience joy together and set the cancer aside for awhile. Cancer can feel unrelenting, so this was truly a blessing.”

A Beautiful Incredible Weekend

“It was an amazing experience. I was very blessed. It made me realize that my story has been easy compared to what others have and are going through. A beautiful incredible weekend. Thank you. I hope to volunteer next year.”

Our Every Need Taken Care Of

“It was so great to know that my kid was in safe hands and enjoying activities that I’m no longer to do with them:) Fantastic having our every need taken care of by such an amazing team.”

Chance To Be Normal People

“Camp Wieser was truly a life changing experience. It gave us time to connect with each other, with others who are fighting cancer, and with Me-One volunteers who are all now our family. Gave us a chance to just be “normal” people and not a cancer patient!!! Thank you!”

Fun For a Change!

“The camp was a great way for me and my friends to get out together and have fun for a change!!”

Stories From Prior Years

Thoughtful Efforts

“Sending gratitude and a huge thanks for including me and [my son] in your 2020 Staycation recipient list! We appreciate the generous gift basket, and the thoughtful efforts of all the donors and volunteers. We will continue to enjoy the basket this fall as I go through treatment. Thank you so much”

Soooo Many Gifts!

“Both [my husband] and I want to thank you for your kindness and generosity. There were soooo many gifts we were able to pay it forward! Love and many blessings.”

One of the Best Weekends in a Long Time

“I just wanted to say THANK YOU so much from our family for being selected to receive the Staycation blessing! I am overwhelmed by the generosity. It was such a pleasure to meet John and his helpers. We are still just amazed by all of the goodies we received. I have to say I had one of the best weekends in a long time playing and just hanging out as a family. We have especially enjoyed the corn hole boards, we had quite the family tournament this weekend! Thank you again and have a great week!”

We Are Overwhelmed With All The Goodies

“Thank you for everything you and the Me-One Foundation did for me and my family. I’m blessed to have been selected for this. I don’t take things for granted. I will find a way to pay it forward and brighten up someone’s day like you folks did for me and my family. What a beautiful thing you all did and I enjoyed meeting you all. You guys are the best. We are overwhelmed with all the goodies, especially the gift cards. I’m touched! Thank you again for everything!”

Overwhelmed By Your Kindness

“Thank you for what you did for my sister who is fighting for her life’s battle with ovarian cancer. She is a sister and person. She was overwhelmed by the kindness that your people showed her. Thank you!”

What a Way to Make a Difference

From a Nurse Navigator/Partner: “Just wanted to thank you and the Me One Team for the great patient visit recently. I saw [an oncology patient] yesterday and she was just beaming about your organization and all who visited. Her husband was so grateful too. The bean bag game, the generous gift cards, the ice cream social and the popcorn, the beautiful blanket, …I think I am missing some of what she reported but she truly was so excited and to receive all the enthusiastic support of love and warmth from your team meant so much with all that she is going through with her cancer and treatment. What a way to make a difference in someone’s life!”

Such Good Care of our Families

From a Nurse Navigator/Partner: “I got a call from [patient]. She was eager to tell me about the “camp in a box” she received and the wonderful people who came to her home. [Her son] was equally surprised and overwhelmed by the generosity of your organization, and friendliness of the people he met. Thank you again for taking such good care of our families.”

What a Wonderful Experience

“I loved receiving the care box from Camp Wieser. My children loved all the games and activities and I enjoyed the gift cards and all the little individual grouped items. Was a wonderful experience.”

Gift Cards Very Helpful for Groceries and Gas

“We appreciate everything you did for us. The gift cards were a big help for us for groceries and gas money, which was perfect for [getting to] my chemo treatments. I will be on treatment for another two years and I enjoyed taking along the heating pack you gave me. My family was so grateful for this experience. Thank you to everyone!”

Really Put a Smile On My Face

“I’m very thankful with what my kids received. The foundation does a great job – including when you feel down they have different games to play in order to keep your mind distracted. The Camp Foundation does really put a big smile on your face with everything that they give you and your family when you really need it. Thank you so much for everything and your hard work.”

It Was Uplifting

“It was uplifting to be the recipient of the generous offering of gifts supplied by your donors and volunteers. As a two time cancer survivor, it means a lot to receive the support and encouragement your organization offers.”

I Don’t Think I Could Have Felt More Supported

“I’m a single mom who has never had the resources to have an adventure with my child, finding out it wasn’t likely that I would live long enough for another chance kept me up at night. Hearing about Camp Wieser from my doctor was such a wonderful shock at a time in my life full of horrible shocks. Everyone that I have had contact with has been very kind, thoughtful and reassuring. I don’t think I could have felt more supported. The fact that it was at home didn’t diminish how happy and cared for we felt, at a time when it isn’t safe for a family to come help us. We got such an amazing gift from amazing people and didn’t feel as lost for a while.”

Relaxing and Fun Time

“I can’t thank everyone enough. We had such a fun weekend. We played games, ate, snacked, watched a movie. It was a family filled relaxing and fun time.”

Really Lifted My Spirits

“Being chosen as a recipient for the Camp Wieser 2020 Staycation really lifted my spirits while I was in chemotherapy treatment. It felt good to know there is a community of people who care for me and the battle I am in. I felt like I won a contest and it was so great that it was something I could share with my family!”

Truly Brightened My Day

“It was truly an honor to be picked for Camp Wieser 2020 Staycation! It truly brightened my day to receive such a wonderful gift. My cancer journey has been long, hard, and stressful. It is because of my Staycation pack that I am able to have fun with friends and family while I continue my cancer journey. Thank you!”

Just So Amazed By The Volunteers and Donors

“I know both my husband and I feel very supported and loved. It was a joyful experience and we are just so amazed by the donors and volunteers. I did not want it to end. Cancer can feel like a scary and lonely journey, but this gave us both a great feeling of someone who was cheering us on!”

In Their Own Words (2019 Camp Wieser Participants)

Blown Away

“Blown away about sums it up. We were pampered and entertained for three days then sent away with a clean car, snacks and a gas card. I am completely enamored with your program. I love how you invite an adult patient, then involve their family. I know my family has sacrificed and put up with a lot because of my cancer diagnosis. Thank you for spoiling me and giving a joyful weekend of memory-making to the whole family.”

We All Felt Very Spoiled and Pampered

“I just wanted to express my heartfelt thanks and gratitude for the privilege to go to Camp Wieser. From the time we arrived until we left it was very special and we all felt very spoiled and pampered! Everyone there was so friendly and kind. The ceremony on Friday night was very moving. Special thanks to our host Erica and her daughter who attended to our every need. She said the Foundation hopes to raise enough money to build their own camp, and that would be great. Thank you again; it has all meant so much to my family and me.”

Gave Us A Sense of Community

“The opportunity to express some personal history was very helpful and to hear others at the beginning of the camp. The entire process was very well thought out and geared to the family’s anticipated needs. Having siblings and other family members gave us a sense of community. The entire spa treatment opportunity was amazing.”

I Didn’t Feel Like I Was Alone Anymore

“Camp Wieser was so helpful in my cancer journey, it’s important to have a place to connect with other adults who know what it’s like to go through cancer treatment. I didn’t feel like I was alone anymore. And for one weekend, I didn’t have to think about cancer, or treatment, and just BE with others who ‘get me.’ Also, my husband got to connect with other care givers and he had not been able to do previously. We were SO very grateful and blessed to be able to have the Camp Wieser experience.”

Got To Be A Fun Mom Again

“Camp Wieser was an amazing weekend for my whole family to simply enjoy being together without having to worry about anything but having fun. I got to take the weekend off from being stressed, and just be the fun mom again to my kids. The people that work so hard to make it all happen are truly inspirational.”

A Reminder Of Our Shared Humanity

“Camp Wieser was a reminder that cancer doesn’t discriminate. It is a disease that bridges race, culture, class and vocation. The weekend was a reminder of our shared humanity and an opportunity to connect with others’ unique cancer stories.”

Gave Us The Gift of Hope, Joy and Camaraderie

“Camp Wieser gave my family an opportunity to fully express what it is like to battle cancer as a family unit without feeling like we are dealing with a private, heavy burden. I think this was especially true for my son who spent a great deal of time between activities hanging out with other teens. This made me feel overjoyed because he has had a really hard time relating to kids at school since all this cancer drama began. The entire weekend made us feel supported and free to enjoy ourselves which isn’t something that comes easy when you are typically dealing with being poked and prodded and feeling anxiety about what might be around the corner. Camp Wieser gave us the gift of hope, joy and camaraderie that we will carry with us through the next leg of this journey with cancer.”

I Felt Understood

“The last two days have been the most magical and heart warming since the moment I was told I had cancer. I felt cared for, I felt normal, and I felt understood. I also feel like the time at Camp Wieser had a profound impact on my marriage, and that my husband is now able to emotionally support me during this difficult time in a way that he didn’t fully understand before. Not only did this camp give my young children an opportunity to see other mommies with cancer, they laughed and played their butts off! There are no words to express the gratitude that I feel for each and every member and volunteer with the Me-One Foundation. I’m not a religious person, but these people are doing the Lord’s work, and I will forever be indebted to them.”

Wildly Beyond Expectation!

“Camp Wieser is wildly beyond expectation! Me and my family really enjoyed the weekend with our fantastic hosts and fellow campers. It is very inspiring sharing and hearing the experience of cancer fighting with the other families and the volunteers. I wish to be a camp volunteer at Camp Wieser some day in the future.”

A Respite From Worry

“Cancer affects the whole family not just the patient. Camp Wieser gave our family a respite from worry where we could laugh, relax, and get pampered in a beautiful setting. Every cancer patient could use a weekend at Camp Wieser.”

Joy And Togetherness As A Family

“Camp Wieser brought us so much joy and togetherness as a family during this crazy time of life. We will never forget our experience and are closer because of it.”

Being Able To Just Be Present

“So much joy and hope no matter what the outcome may be. Just being able to be present and enjoy life with amazing people. So much love and support. You guys rock.”

We Had Lost The Concept Of Play

“Our family was given a gut-punch when my husband was diagnosed and given a dismal prognosis in the same phone call. In following the advice to ‘get his affairs in order,’ we sort of lost sight of the concept of ‘play.’ Your camp interrupted that focus and made us merely play together. There were so many moments of joy, bliss, silliness and giggles. We all did many spa treatments, swam, and square-danced. My husband and daughter loved the archery together. I’m 61 and had a rainbow painted on my cheek! Thank you so much.”

Left Feeling Like My Heart Was Overflowing

“Camp Wieser helped our family to just be joyful for our weekend. Cancer robbed us of all our family activities and vacations for summer 2019. The volunteers were so kind and fun to get to know. It was so relaxing to be in an environment as beautiful as Mission Springs with a group of people who just know how you’re doing emotionally and physically. I personally left feeling like my heart was overflowing.”

Just The Break I Needed

“Camp Wieser was just the break I needed.”

I Was Spoiled Rotten

“I was absolutely spoiled rotten all weekend and had the best time. It’s left me fired up about helping in some way. Keep me in mind if you need a volunteer. I don’t have any special skill like massage or hair cutting but I can help at the gala and I’m planning to solicit a few places to sponsor or donate.”

Would Love To Pay It Forward

“I want to reach out and express our gratitude to each and everyone of you all! Our family had such an amazing weekend and experience! I will never be able to repay you all! Our family would be honored be volunteers! Rosa, our family host, made such a great impact on us and we would love to pay it forward too! Please let me know when I can apply to become a volunteer and I will do it in a heartbeat!!”

In Their Own Words (2018 and 2017 Camp Wieser Participants)

What Did I Like Most?

“It’s hard to choose because everything was great. The surprises started right away upon driving into camp and seeing all the cheering volunteers who also helped unload and deliver our luggage. Our camp host was so helpful with answering questions, offering to get anything we needed, showing us where to go for our choices of activities, and joining us for friendly conversation during meals. The first evening scroll ceremony campfire event was a great way to just let go of all the worries of cancer treatment and getting to know our fellow campers. The spa services were relaxing, arts and crafts were fun and a nice way to have lasting souvenirs. The adventure activities were fun, and the food was delicious. The closing ceremony video was so nice to remember all the fun we participated in. The pleasant surprises didn’t end until we got in our freshly washed vehicle and found a gas card waiting to defray the cost of transportation. My only question for volunteers was to ask if they wanted to follow me home because I was loving all this pampering.”

Every Moment Was Special

“It is a bit tough to put into words – but I had no idea how much I needed to go to Camp Wieser. I wasn’t feeling well, and worried that I should cancel. But I went, and every moment was special. Amazing volunteers. Endless activities. I even went zip lining! The best part was spending time with my family just having fun. I also love that they got pampered – they have been taking care of me for years now, and this was their turn. I will never be able adequately thank the kind people at Me-One Foundation for making this possible.”

Found a Cause for my Passion

“I just wanted to say thank you so very much for choosing my family to attend camp. We had an absolutely wonderful time. It was so good for my kids and I to enjoy life together and for them to also see that they’re not alone being surrounded by other families dealing with cancer too. We met so many friendly and kind people that I believe will be life long friends. Our host, Laura, was the best. She was so attentive to us and became a great friend. So….my kids and I really want to be involved with the camp every year going forward as a host or helpers. I’ve been struggling trying to find something in this world to devote my time to that I feel passionate about and I found that special something after attending camp Wieser. Everyone at camp had the biggest hearts and made us feel so welcomed and comfortable. We want to give back and help families that are in a similar situation as us. Please let me know how we can help next year.”

Experience of Love and Gratitude

“A lifetime experience of love and gratitude.”

Such a Worthy Foundation

“We are all very grateful for the opportunity we had to spend together as a family and for your wonderful hospitality and upbeat personality. Every volunteer was remarkable in every way and went above and beyond. You must be very proud to be a part of such an honorable organization. I’ve been spreading the word to anyone I know who is looking for donation opportunities because I believe Me-One is such a worthy foundation. I wish you all the best.”

Life-Changing Experience

“The Me-One Foundation is truly a gift from God!!! Our family was so blessed to attend camp this year [2018]. It felt like winning the lottery. Everyone was so wonderful. I am getting teary eyes writing this. To be able to see my daughter let her shoulders down and be a kid for a weekend was great. What made it even greater was seeing my daughter relating to other kids who are facing the same challenges as my daughter. Thank you so much for this life changing experience!”

Found Out I Like Camping After All!

“You don’t know how much you need something like Camp Wieser until you go there. I am not a camper, and would typically not be interested in participating in an activity like this. My son and husband, though, really wanted to go. As they have done so much for me, I wanted to do something for them. They enjoyed themselves so much and were really willing to step outside their comfort zones. What I wasn’t expecting was how much I would enjoy the Camp. While the pampering of the spa was a welcomed treat, it was the adventure part of Camp that was so much for me. It’s a reminder of how much fun it is to be alive. My cancer diagnosis reminded me to appreciate my family and all the little things in life, but Camp Wieser reminded me that the exhilaration of new experiences is important, too.”

Left Feeling Wonderful

“I had not known about Me-One until my friend told me about it. My wife and I left feeling wonderful. I have contacted two possible donors so far.”

Renewed Strength For the Battle

“Camp Wieser brought back my faith in human beings. Cancer can strip you of so much but this Camp revalidated the true kindness in this world. Camp Wieser gave me great strength to continue the battle.”

Found Unconditional Love

“The unconditional LOVE. No one acted like we were a bother. If we should be standing around just chatting, someone would make sure we knew about face painting, tie dying, and all the activities available.”

Peace Is a Powerful Treatment

“Camp Wieser gifted my family with a much-needed breath of fresh air. Sometimes we forget how important it is to take a break from the battle and enjoy each other. Peace is the most powerful cancer fighting treatment there is and Camp Wieser has it perfected!”

Camp Video Inspires Others to Help

“My wife and I would like to thank everyone involved in this year’s Camp Wieser. We will never forget it. We met so many great people. The volunteers were wonderful. My sister-in-law [from out of state] was so impressed with the 2017 video that she wants to help and will be getting in contact with you.”

Able to Forget the Battle for a While

“My family was treated like royalty the entire time we were at Camp Wieser, and we had so many fun things to do that I was actually able to forget about my battle with cancer for a little while. I came home refreshed and ready to continue my fight! I am forever grateful to the Me-One Foundation, and will never forget my experience there!”

Fun-Filled and Grateful

“What an amazing organization! Thanks to Camp Wieser for providing my family and I in a fun filled weekend. We are so grateful for the special experience and memories created.”

Feeling Less Isolated and More Emotionally Available Now

“This weekend out of the loop of treatment and everyday concerns was sorely needed to reconnect with my child. There’s a way that being around other families that are there to both connect and let go is tremendously healing and encouraging. I felt less isolated and more emotionally available after the camp.”

One of the Best Times of Our Lives

“My wife and I did not quite know what to expect when we arrived and we were treated like royalty. One of the best times of our lives. I tell everybody I know and some I don’t.”

Kids Now See They Are Not Alone

“Camp Weiser gave my family a much needed break from the daily struggles of my battle with cancer. We were able to bond as a family and also gave my kids the opportunity to see they are not alone. It was incredibly touching to meet so many people that give so selflessly to make this Camp Wieser truly special!”

Foundations Like This Are Needed

“I can’t express how hard the battle is when you have a hard diagnosis. Cancer doesn’t make you rich, less stressed or happier. It takes a toll on a family and foundations like this are needed, families need a break.”

Wouldn’t Have Traded the Experience

“It was a lovely experience. Met lots of people, enjoyed myself and made good memories. The heat was a little overwhelming, but what could you do? I wouldn’t have traded the experience. Thanks so much for everything and if you could thank all the hosts and volunteers for me. They were amazing!!!” In Their Own Words (2016 Camp Wieser Participants)

Dude Camp Was Awesome

“I wanted to let you know how much C and his family enjoyed their time at Camp Challenge and how much I appreciate you giving him that opportunity. He and D zip lined together and she even went again, much to her mother’s amazement. B enjoyed herself and said it was “very relaxing.” He wishes he had talked to more people but just wasn’t sure enough of his fluency to do that even though he managed his self introduction OK. The main thing is that he had a really good time. Dude camp was awesome!” – Thank you again, from B.V.

Camper’s Son Inspired to Find a Cure

“Words cannot express how much joy and love we felt at the Me-One Camp Challenge in 2016. My mother C.R. is a current cancer patient who has been battling breast cancer since 1998. It was great to see her enjoying every minute with me, my husband, and our two boys. My husband and I love the way our sons were able to see that although every family at that camp was fighting cancer, their spirits were lifted. My nine year old says that he is becoming a scientist so that one day he can help with the cure for cancer. Wow! We can’t wait for them to volunteer and become part of M.’s minions once they are older. L.S. our camp host was above and beyond anything we could have imagined. She took care of everything; to me and my husband who are used to always taking care of everyone else this was a pure treat. We are not used to anyone taking care of us or being on the receiving end of a non-profit; we are always the ones doing. Again, thank you. What an amazing organization with amazing people. I would like to be active in your organization. If there is a process to be considered for serving on your Board of Directors or a committee spot available, I would love to participate. I would love to help in the planning stages. Please let me know if we can arrange a meeting.” – NZ

How do I get to Camp Wieser?

The facility is The Mission Springs Conference Center. Their address is 1050 Lockhart Gulch Road, Scotts Valley, CA 95066. The location is just 15 minutes north of Santa Cruz on Highway 17. Review the map below to gauge your distance from home. When your application for Camp is approved, directions to camp will be included in your material.