2024 Camp Wieser Guest Registration

  • Camp Wieser 2024
    A Program of the Me-One Foundation

    Camp Dates - September 13, 14 and 15

    Dear Registrant: A Camp Wieser Camper is inviting you to be their guest at Camp Wieser 2024! An invitation to Camp Wieser is just about the coolest thing EVER. Congratulations! Camp is a wonderful, magical and amazing experience and we cannot wait to meet you.

    Camp Wieser will be held on September 13, 14 and 15 at Mission Springs Conference Center in Scotts Valley, California.

    There is no cost for you to attend Camp Wieser. Your lodging, meals and activities are provided for you. However, all transportation costs and travel arrangements to and from Camp Wieser are your responsibility.

    Campers will be asked to arrive at Camp Wieser at approximately 3:00 pm on September 13. Camp will adjourn at approximately 1:00 pm on Sunday, September 15.

    Before you start filling out this registration form, you should visit the Me-One Foundation website, familiarize yourself with what camp is about, watch a camp video, and read the Frequently Asked Questions page.


This application will take you several minutes to complete. You'll be asked for your general contact information, any special circumstances or considerations.


  • Information About You

  • Email is the Foundation's primary communication method. Please provide your main email address. If you are the adult filling out this form for a minor, please use your email address here.

  • If you have another email address which you check regularly (daily) enter it here.

  • (If you are the adult filling out this form for a minor or someone without a phone, please use your phone number here.)

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    Select Your Spa Services and Activities

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    Select one or all. We will fit in as much as possible in your already busy Saturday schedule!
  • More About You

  • Please list all allergies, medications, and or other medical conditions we should be made aware of in order to best support you at Camp.

  • Mission Springs is not ADA compliant (yet) and even first floor rooms have a single step at the entrance. Upper floor rooms are accessed via stairs. Many sleeping rooms are furnished with a combination of standard beds and bunk beds. We will try our best to accommodate you but cannot guarantee easy access for all. Also, please note that your room will not have air conditioning. Fans can be provided if needed.

  • We will do all we can to meet your needs. However, in some cases, you may be asked to bring your own special food if we are unable to provide.

  • Anything else you care to share?

  • Agreements

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    You're coming to Camp! Thank you for wanting to support your special Camper. It will mean so much to them, and I will let them know you are joining their camp family.

    Cathy Perry
    Camper Ambassador